German New Hampshires Hatching Eggs (Doz.)
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Starting with a strain of Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshire poultry breeders began this line for better egg production and meat conformation. Chicken became immensely popular in the US, especially during red meat shortages caused by WWII, and these birds were a breeders’ favorite. Later, the breed was exported to Germany as a food source during the rebuilding of the country, and has since come back to the United States again. They are most commonly a light red color, with red combs and wattles and yellow shanks and toes.


Starting with a strain of Rhode Island Reds, New Hampshire poultry breeders began this line for better egg production and meat conformation. Chicken became immensely popular in the US, especially during red meat shortages caused by WWII, and these birds were a breeders’ favorite. Later, the breed was exported to Germany as a food source during the rebuilding of the country, and has since come back to the United States again. They are most commonly a light red color, with red combs and wattles and yellow shanks and toes.


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